Static Contactors

Capasitive Static Contactors

It is used for switching capacitors in compensation systems. Capacitive static contactors switch at the same time as the capacitor voltage and busbar voltage are equalized and prevent high switching currents. In addition, the capacitor switches very quickly without waiting for the discharge time to meet the reactive need of fast loads.

In enterprises where reactive changes are rapid, contactor systems are insufficient to meet the need for compensation. In the compensation of such enterprises, it is possible to respond to rapidly changing loads by switching with thyristor instead of switching with mechanical contactors in classical systems.

In thyristor systems, since the capacitors are activated at zero crossings, there is no need to wait for discharge times. In addition, it is possible to switch on and off at a high speed, since the current drawn when the capacitors are first switched on is minimal.

Inductive Static Contactors

Our new product line, Inductive Static Contactors, is designed to be used for switching three-phase shunt reactors connected to the stages. It is distinguished by its advantages such as silent operation, long life and low failure rates compared to contactors.

Static Contactors

Capasitive Static Contactors

It is used for switching capacitors in compensation systems. Capacitive static contactors switch at the same time as the capacitor voltage and busbar voltage are equalized and prevent high switching currents. In addition, the capacitor switches very quickly without waiting for the discharge time to meet the reactive need of fast loads.

In enterprises where reactive changes are rapid, contactor systems are insufficient to meet the need for compensation. In the compensation of such enterprises, it is possible to respond to rapidly changing loads by switching with thyristor instead of switching with mechanical contactors in classical systems.

In thyristor systems, since the capacitors are activated at zero crossings, there is no need to wait for discharge times. In addition, it is possible to switch on and off at a high speed, since the current drawn when the capacitors are first switched on is minimal.

Inductive Static Contactors

Our new product line, Inductive Static Contactors, is designed to be used for switching three-phase shunt reactors connected to the stages. It is distinguished by its advantages such as silent operation, long life and low failure rates compared to contactors.

Product Detail

Capacitive Static Contactor

Product Code Product Name Product Description Voltage (V) Nominal Cable Cross Section (mm2) Nominal Fuse Current (A) Dimensions(mm)
GA2201 KSK 10T3* 10 kVAr CAP. STATIC CON. 3 THYR. 230/400 3(1×2.5) mm² 20 167x 128 x 132
GA2202 KSK 15T2 15 kVAr CAP. STATIC CON. 400 3(1×4) mm² 32 167 x 164 x 141
GA2203 KSK 15T2D 15 kVAr CAP. STATIC CON. W/DISCHARGE RES. 400 3(1×4) mm² 32 167 x 164 x 141
GA2204 KSK 20T3* 20 kVAr CAP. STATIC CON. 3 THYR. 230/400 3(1×6) mm² 40 167 x 156 x 132
GA2205 KSK 25T2 25 kVAr CAP. STATIC CON. 400 3(1×10) mm² 50 167 x 164 x 141
GA2206 KSK 25T2D 25 kVAr CAP. STATIC CON. W/DISCHARGE RES. 400 3(1×10) mm² 50 167 x 164 x 141
GA2207 KSK 50T2 50 kVAr CAP. STATIC CON. 400 3(1×25) mm² 100 167 x 211 x 141
GA2208 KSK 50T2D 50 kVAr CAP. STATIC CON. W/DISCHARGE RES. 400 3(1×25) mm² 100 167 x 211 x 141
GA2210 KSK 80T2D 80 kVAr CAP. STATIC CON. W/DISCHARGE RES. 400 3(1×50) mm² 160 167 x 279 x 135
GA2212 KSK 100T2D 100 kVAr CAP. STATIC CON. W/DISCHARGE RES. 400 3(1×70) mm² 200

Inductive Static Contactor

Product Code Product Name Product Description Voltage (V) Nominal Cable Cross Section (mm2) Nominal Fuse Current (A) Dimensions(mm)
GA2221 ESK 10T3 10 kVAr IND. STATIC CON. 230/400 3(1×2.5) mm² 20 106 x 83 x 150
GA2222 ESK 20T3 20 kVAr IND. STATIC CON. 230/400 3(1×6) mm² 40 165 x 134 x 160
GA2223 ESK 30T3 30 kVAr IND. STATIC CON. 230/400 3(1×10) mm² 63 165 x 144 x 200
GA2224 ESK 50T3 50 kVAr IND. STATIC CON. 230/400 3(1×25) mm² 100 167 x 141 x 211

*These models can be used with both single-phase and three-phase capacitors. They have 3 thyristors inside as indicated by T3 expression in the product name.

All static contactors have NC (normally closed) thermal control.

Capacitive static contactors must be used in conjunction with a harmonic filter or current limiting reactor.